July 8th - July 10th, 2017


Exhibition Text by Mayra Morales 

TAP-1 was organized by Marx Ruiz-Wilson with great help from Audrey Anne-Morin, Jonathan Jimenez, David Jaime Ruiz, Victor Garibay, Marcela Borquez, Morgane Clémént-Gagnon and all the artists listed below. The project was held in the basement of an apartment complex which is located in the limits between Milton-Parc and the Plateau area in Montreal, Canada.

The acronym title of the show “TAP” makes reference to a theory in evolutionary biology called The Adjacent Possible. In this theory, the main argument is that by recombining existent data, materials, variables, etc. the limits of a given system expand and this phenomenon repeats again and again giving access to new possibilities.

I would like to acknowledge and thank everyone involved in this project for their trust, hard work and time spent in making it a reality.

Marx Ruiz-Wilson, 2018

Artists List TAP-1  

Andrea Coyotzi Borja

Cindy Phenix

David Bellemare

Hannah Gonzalez

Ingrid Tremblay

Jeanie Riddle

Jerome Nadeau

John Gunner

Louis Bouvier

Marcelino Barsi

Mario Martinez

Maxwell Evans

Matthieu Bouchard

Mayra Morales

Nicolas Grenier

Philippe Caron Lefebvre

Pier-Anne Mercier

Raul Aguilar Canela

Sarah Osborne

Shanie Tomassini

Simone Blain

Stephanie Creaghan

Tim Messeiller